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Light Up a Life 2024


Friends of Lewis County Hospice would like to thank everyone who donated in memory or in honor of their loved ones. Thank you also to the area businesses that hosted tree sites including:

Kinney Drugs
Northern Credit Union - Croghan
Community Bank – Lowville and Lyons Falls
Carthage Savings Bank - Croghan
Pioneer Café
Hair Haven
Town Talk
Lewis County Health System
Brookside Senior Living
Monnat’s IGA
Chuck’s Market

All donations are used to support Lewis County Hospice with caring for residents of Lewis County needing end of life care. We apologize for any misspelling or other errors when compiling this list.


Aletha Streeter
Alexander and Constantino families
Alfreda Schneider
Alice H. Phelps
Alma Kohler
Andre Birchenough
Andrew Adner
Angel Bourgeois
Angela Widrick
Angie Robins
Anna B. Keohane
Ann L. Brown
Anna Soluria
Anne Munk
Anthony and Rita Monnat
Anthony Matuszczak Jr.
Arrol and Beulah Cougler
Art Moroughan
Aunt Marie Farney
Art Matuszczak #43
Barb Scouten
Barbara L. Moser
Beatrice and Fred Sauer (Mom and Dad)
Bernard (Boo) Waligory
Bernard and Anne Mattis
Bernice Carter
Bert Austin
Beth Ann Meyer
Beth Hoffman
Betty Manion
Beverly Bourgeois
Bill and Doris Petrovitz
Bill and Louise Becker
Bill and Polly Schell
Bill and Ruth Dosztan
Bill Schaefer
Bob and Beth Gydesen
Bob and Mary Leviker
Bob and Phyl Mattis
Bob Reynolds
Brenda J. Bourgeois
Brian Gaines
Brian Whitmore
Bruce and Bev Heller
Bruce Buckingham
Bruce Schneider
Bryan J. Hammond
Butch Hill
Butch Matuszczak
C. Lewis Schweitzer
Cal and Sue Farney
Carl Golas Sr.
Carl Petzoldt
Carol Hanno
Cathy and Frank Kozloski
Charlene McLaughlin Eisenkraft
Charles and Gerry Allen
Charles Carter
Charles Spencer
Charlie and Betty Bush
Chuck Folsom
CJ and Lois Shapland
Clara Loomis
Clell and Jean Baird
Cliff and Carol Streeter
Cliff “Zeb” Merry
Clifford and Vivian Kelley
Clifton Hotaling
Clinton and Anna Farney family
Clint and Violet Hanno
Connie Shaw
Corey Avis
Country Bob
Dad and Mom Brown
Dale and Mary Widmeyer
Dale Buckingham
Dale Kraybill
Dale Miller
Daniel McLaughlin
David Lacey
Dean and Laura Marcy
Deceased members of the Dreythaler and Mealus families
Delores and Tony Monnat
Delores Sgroi
Denise Hamilton
Diane Bourgeois Mulligan
Dick and Bert Allen
Dick Ramos
Dinah Yousey
Doctor Earl and Marion Barnes
Doctor Lewis Steinhilber
Doctor Louis Avallone
Don and Jeanne Mattis
Don Gydesen and Jeff
Donald C. Gydesen
Dora Klosner
Doris and John Sanford
Dorothea Erickson
Dorothy Hanno
Dorothy Walter
Dr. Pat and Bea Ocampo
Duane Streeter
Earl and Mary Mattis
Edward and Clara Houck
Edwin and Bette Sweet
Edwin Green
Elizabeth Carter
Ellen Bush
Elmer Cobb
Elsie Miller
Elwood Virkler
Emma Lou Kapfer
Erica Waters
Evelyn Farney
Farney family
Father Tim Soucy
Fiddlin' Phil Beyer
Francis Hanno
Fred and Dorothy Erhardt
Fred Bingle
Fred Buckingham
Fred Jenack
Frederick Martin
Gail A. Stefhon
Gary Smallman
Gary Terry
Gene Nortz
Geneveive Waligory
George and Moon Meyer
Gerald A. Edwards family
Gerald and Anna Allen
Gerard VanNest
Gert Colvin
Glen and Kate Boliver
Gordon and Eden Goodhines
Greg Pugh
Gwen Garito
Harvey and Alice Everson
Haskell Yancey Jr.
Heather Burdick
Helen and Harold Norton
Helen and Ted Jenack
Hoffman and Voyer families
Hugh and Bernice Eaton
Imelda and Edward Glenn (Benny and Pa)
Ira and Louise Lyndaker
Isabel and Lucian Stanton
Jack and Beverly Yousey
Jane Axtell
Jane Zehr
Jeffery Bruckman
Jeffrey Mathys
Jessie Post
Jim Freeman
Jim Gleason
Jim Marcy
Jim Unkart
Joanne and Nickolas Marrocco
Joan Kilbourn
Jody Garito
Joe and Rosalee Boissy
Joe Garito
Joe Longway
John A. Bourgeois
John and Agnes Waligory
John and Dot McCue
John C. Mumford
John Coffey
John H. Ross
John Hirsch
John Honer
John M. Waligory Jr.
John Sanford
John Szijarto
Jonas and Albertine Zehr family
Jonathan and Catherine Martin
Joseph and Leona Singer
Josephine and Irving Kraeger
Joy Ritz
Judi Burrows
Kathy Kerfein
Katy Stephon Allen
Kevin Ward Jr.
Kevin Widrick
Larry Emerson
Larry Knapp
Larry LaParr
Larry Lyndaker
Larry Nuspliger
Laura Hall
Laurie Monnat
Leah J. Sutherland
Leo and Nancy Mattis
Leslie and Mitzi Fey
Leslie Fey II
Linda A.Yousey
Linda O' Leary
Linda Sarnowski
Lisa Lane
Loren and BJ Schoff
Loved ones
Lowell Manzer
Lowis and Erma Planck
Lucretia Brouty
Lynn Moser
Maggie and Earl Yousey
Marie Bellinger
Martha Koban
Marty Hanno (Vietnam)
Mary and Wilbur Martin
Mary Jane Brodie
Mary Zehr
Melvin and Mary Schwendy
Merry Honer
Michael Call
Michael Glenn
Michael J. Moser
Mike McLaughlin
Mike Smith
Mikey "P" and Stella Powlin
Mildred and Paul Dicob
Mom and Daddy
My Dad and Mom
Nancy Gydesen
Nancy Cook Ehlers
Nate Biro
Nelson and Lorena Moser
Nelson Grau
Nick Gingerich
Nicole Brown
Norie and Adeline Hanno family
Orville and Betty Lacey
Pam Filey
Pamela and Jeffery Markham
Pat Nortz
Patricia Martin Smith
Paul A. Bush
Paul and Kip Jenack
Paul Arquitt
Paul Walker (1955)
Peg and Kelley Dickinson
Pete Grafton
Pete Beadore
Pete Waligory
Peter McElroy
Peter VanderVoort
Phil and Shirley Bush
Phyllis Gaines
Polly and Punk Finn
Priscilla Yousey
Ralph Streeter
Ralph Turck
Randy Kapfer
Randy Morrison
Randy Streeter
Raymond, Joan and Gary Ortlieb
Renee Beyer
Reta and Fred Sauer
Reuben Yousey
Richard Grimes
Richard Hill
Richard Lancor
Rickard Martin
Ricky Joseph Levesque
Robert (Beetle) Sauer
Robert and Connie McNeilly
Robert and Fern Foster
Robert H. Monnat
Rodney Whitmore
Ronald "Mayor" Gaines
Ronald and Mary Gordon
Ronald W. Stephon
Ronald Yousey
Rose Morgan
Roy and Elsie Hamblin
Roy and Elsie Hamblin
Ruth and Don Meyer
Sandy Deninski
Shirley Boliver LaTray
Shirley Sullivan
Sid and Rachal Hooper
Spencer, Eleanor, Mike and Jeff Meiss
Stanley Waligory
Stuart Johnson
Tammi Birchenough
Thomas Bullard Jr.
Tiffany VanZandt
Tiger and Eleanor Lee
Tim Schindler
Timothy O. Nortz
Tom and Elizabeth Johnson
Tony and Patricia Makuch
Tyler Moroughan
Urban and Julia Karcher
Uretta Monnat
Vera and Tony Matuszczak
Vernon, Doris and Rick Virkler
Veronica Putman
Walt and Betty Randall
Walter and Jean Brownell family
Walter and Myrtle O'Brien
Walton Sugrue Sr.
Wayne Davis
Wilbur Moser
William and Laura Cavanaugh
William H. Wormuth
William Kapfer
William Marmon
William V. Bourgeois
Yorr Marchione
Zehr family


Bill and Carol Petrovitz
Bill Meyer
Brian Jacob Zehr
Cheri Kelly
David Thomas
Janet Turck
Joanne Dickinson
Judy Scoville
Kathy Felio
Liana Mahoney
Mary Bach
Sandy Weaver
Sharon Jackson
Steve LaChausse
Suzi Jenack
Todd Baker
Tom Dickinson
Wally Sugrue Jr
Wendy Kilbourn

2024 Epicurean Delight Recap

This year’s annual Epicurean fundraising event sponsored by the Friends of Lewis County Hospice was held on Sunday, May 5th at the Lowville Elks Lodge. We would like to thank all who attended, all who provided food and refreshments, and sponsors and patrons who so generously donated to this fundraiser. The Lowville Elks once again provided a delicious meal. Appetizers and/or desserts were provided by Jeb’s, Red Barn Meats, Brick Oven Inn, Awesome Country Farmhouse, Tug Hill Estates, and Divine Catering. Julie Post, Julie Harris, Teresa Hoage, Crumbs and Julie Gunn provided delicious cupcakes of all kinds. Thank you also to all who donated to both raffles (the large items and the smaller ones) – they were each a huge success.

Music was by Bill and Kassidy, which was very much enjoyed by all who attended. This is the second year they have shared their talents at this event.

And most of all thank you to the Hospice Staff who provide care and compassion to families and to hospice patients. Their heartfelt empathy and understanding eases the hardships that come with end-of-life and end-of-life care, and we are so grateful to both the staff and all who volunteer for Hospice.

At the event, Friends of Lewis County Hospice presented a donation of $125,000 to the Lewis County Health System Hospice program. Accepting the donation was Gerald Cayer, CEO of the hospital, along with Hospice staff and volunteers.

The Epicurean is FOLCH’s biggest fundraiser, and we thank all who made this such a success and hope to see everyone along with new attendees for next year’s event!

Friends of Lewis County Hospice Mission Statement

FOLCH advocates for quality palliative and end-of-life care and provides humanitarian and financial resources to the members of the Lewis County community facing the challenges that come with end-of-life.